Access Energetic Body Process therapy is a form of alternative medicine that aims to improve physical and emotional well-being through the use of hands-on techniques on the body. Developed by Gary Douglas, this therapy is based on the idea that the body holds onto negative energy, or "blockages," that can manifest as physical pain, tension, and dysfunction. By releasing these blockages, it is believed that the body can return to its natural state of balance and wellness.
One of the unique features of Access Energetic Body Process therapy is the variety of techniques that are used. Some processes are described as gentle touch, while others are more intense. Some examples of processes that may be used include:
The Spinal Flush: a technique that involves gently stretching and manipulating the spine to release tension and improve mobility.
The Neck Release: a technique that focuses on the neck and shoulders to release tension and pain.
The Head Release: a technique that addresses the muscles and bones of the head, including the jaw, temples, and skull, to release tension and improve the flow of energy.
According to practitioners of Access Energetic Body Process therapy, these processes can have a wide range of benefits, including reducing pain and tension, improving mobility and flexibility, and promoting overall well-being. They are also said to be beneficial for a wide range of conditions, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and stress-related disorders.
One of the key elements of Access Energetic Body Process therapy is that it is intended to be done in a series. Different processes are chosen based on the individual's needs and condition. Practitioners of Access Energetic Body Process therapy believe that by working with the body in this way, they can help to bring about lasting change and improvement.
What are the benefits of Access Energetic Body Process therapy?
Access Energetic Body Process therapy is said to have a wide range of benefits, which include reducing pain and tension, improving mobility and flexibility, and promoting overall well-being. Some practitioners claim that this therapy can help alleviate symptoms of a variety of conditions such as:
chronic fatigue
stress-related disorders
back pain
neck pain
emotional stress
However, it's important to note that there is currently no scientific evidence to support these claims, and Access Energetic Body Process therapy is not recognized as a mainstream medical therapy. Therefore, it's best to consult with a licensed healthcare professional to get proper diagnosis before considering this therapy.
In addition to its potential physical benefits, Access Energetic Body Process therapy is also said to have emotional benefits, such as reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and promoting feelings of relaxation and well-being. According to practitioners of this therapy, by releasing blockages in the body, it can also improve the flow of energy and enhance overall vitality and functionality of body.
What happens during an Access Energetic Body Process therapy session?
A session of Access Energetic Body Process therapy typically begins with a consultation between the client and the practitioner. During this consultation, the practitioner will gather information about the client's physical and emotional well-being, as well as any specific concerns or conditions they may have. Based on this information, the practitioner will select one or more body processes to work on during the session.
During the actual therapy session, the client will typically lie down on a massage table, fully clothed. The practitioner will then use a variety of hands-on techniques to work on the client's body, with a focus on releasing any energy blockages or tension. The techniques used can vary depending on the specific process being worked on, but may include gentle touch, manipulation, and/or energy work. Some of the processes may involve client to be involved to actively move their body in specific ways to get the most effect.
The length of a session can vary, but typically last between 60-90 minutes. The number of sessions required to achieve desired outcome will also depend on individual and condition. Access Energetic Body Process therapy sessions are typically done in series, with the practitioner recommending a specific number of sessions.
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