How you start your day will set the tone for the rest of your ahead, choose to focus on the good and you will attract more good things for the rest of the day. Start your day off on the right foot with these inspiring and uplifting affirmations. Change your inner dialog, and before you know it, your outer world will change as well.
The more you repeat these affirmations, the greater impact they will have on your life. Changing your inner dialog is like creating a new habit, and it takes around 21 days to change a habit. Listen everyday for 21 days to get your mind refocused.

It's a good morning
Today is gonna be a great day
Today will be a wonderful and fulfilling day
I greet today with confidence and love
I am healthy happy and secure
I have everything I need to succeed
I am calm and focused
I am beautiful, strong and powerful
I am grateful for today
I appreciate all that I have
I greet today with positive expectations
Today I will look for things to appreciate and I will find them
I will listen to my inner guidance today
I am inspiring those around me
Today wonderful things will unfold before me
I am taking time to breathe today
I am confident my abilities
I believe in myself
I greet the Morning Sun knowing that wonderful opportunities lie ahead of me
Today will be a beautiful day
I am whole and complete
I believe in my abilities
I feel positive in every cell of my being
Today good things will come easily and freely to me
Today will be a perfect day for me
I am expecting things to go well for me
I am becoming better each day today
I will feel a deep love and appreciation for myself
I am filling up with positive vibrations
My mind is now full of positive thoughts
I can handle anything that comes my way today
I send out blessings of love and abundance to everyone around me
My life is filled with success and love
I am full of unlimited potential
I am tapping into that unlimited potential now
I choose to live in peace and harmony
Good things will flow into my life today
Today I will attract success, abundance and well-being into my life
Everything is always working out for me
I am enjoying every aspect of my life
I am in full control of my vibration, I choose to raise my vibration higher and higher
My day will be filled with love and prosperity
I am imaginative and my creativity flows endlessly
I am at peace with the world
I choose to focus on the good in the world
My relationships are constantly strengthening
I wake up every day with a deep sense of peace and abundance
Wonderful things will happen to me today
My body is vibrant and healthy
I welcome today with open arms
I start everyday off on the right foot
I expect good things for myself and others
I will spread and attract love everywhere I go today
I have total confidence in my ability to achieve my dreams
I am going after the things that I really want
I am unstoppable force capable of achieving anything I desire
I look forward to the excitement and joy that today will bring
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